There are a lot of reasons why people choose to give their pets CBD oil for cats Canada.. It’s one of the most popular natural remedies available, so it makes sense that they would want to use it on their furry friends.
So what exactly is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in cannabis plants. There are over 100 cannabinoids, but only two of them – delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol – have been approved by the FDA for human consumption. The other compounds are not considered safe enough for human consumption.
CBD has many health benefits for humans and animals. But there are also risks associated with using CBD oil on your cat. Here we’ll explain what these are, and how you can minimize the risk of any side effects.
Before we get into the details though, let’s just look at some of the general benefits of CBD oil for cats.
It’s great for helping cats who suffer from anxiety or separation anxiety, which is quite common among felines. The reason for this is that CBD, like THC, binds to the same receptors in our brains as THC does. This means that CBD is able to mimic the effect of THC without actually being psychoactive itself.
In fact, studies show that CBD oil helps cats cope with stress better than traditional anti-anxiety medications.
Another thing that CBD is good for is calming down cats who tend to be very active. We all know that having a hyperactive pet tends to cause a lot of problems, both for us and for them. But if you take away their exercise then it’s often just too much for them to handle. They might start scratching themselves raw and tearing up furniture in an attempt to relieve the tension.
You’d think that CBD oil would help calm them down, but there’s a big difference between using CBD oil as a preventative measure and when your cat is already suffering from hyperactivity. In those cases, CBD oil may actually make things worse.
So why is CBD oil bad for cats?
Well, like I said earlier, there really aren’t any risks involved in giving your cat CBD oil. Cats don’t metabolize it differently, and they’re pretty much the same size as us humans anyway. So the main concern would be that it could affect your cat’s liver or kidneys. But since cats are usually pretty healthy, this shouldn’t happen. However, there are ways to mitigate the possibility of it happening. Let’s go through those now.
CBD Oil Dosage
When it comes to taking CBD oil for cats, dosage is everything. If you give your cat too little, they won’t feel anything. This is because there isn’t enough CBD content in the oil for them to absorb. On the other hand, if you give them too much, they run the risk of overdosing. That’s because CBD is fat soluble, meaning that it accumulates in tissues where fats are stored. When you overdose on CBD, it will end up accumulating in your cat’s fatty tissue instead.
This is called “cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome” and it happens because of a combination of factors. Firstly, your cat is likely to have increased sensitivity to CBD. Secondly, they’re going to be stressed, because they’ve had too much CBD. And finally, they’re going to be dehydrated, because they haven’t eaten properly for several hours.
If you suspect that your cat is experiencing cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, you should consult your vet immediately. You can help alleviate the symptoms by offering plenty of water and making sure your cat gets fed regularly.
As you can see, there’s a fine line between giving your cat too much CBD, and not giving them enough. To avoid this issue altogether, use CBD oil sparingly. Start small, with only 1 drop per 10 pounds of body weight. Increase the dose slowly until you find the perfect amount for your particular cat.
What Happens When Your Cat Goes Off the Label?
One last piece of advice before we move onto the next section of this article. While it’s true that CBD works wonders for feline anxiety, it doesn’t work miracles. If your cat starts acting out of character, or doing something strange, stop using CBD oil immediately. It could be a side effect, but more likely it’s a result of your cat getting used to the medication. If they do become aggressive or even violent, then you need to talk to your vet about whether there’s anything else you can try.
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s delve deeper into what happens when you use CBD oil for cats.
Side Effects of Using CBD Oil for Cats
As I mentioned earlier, CBD oil for cats isn’t a cure-all. If your cat is already having trouble coping with life, then CBD oil may not be able to improve their situation. And if you’re starting off with a low dose, then even small problems can be hard to deal with.
But that’s not to say that CBD oil wouldn’t help. For example, it’s been proven that CBD can reduce pain in cats. This is especially true for chronic pain caused by arthritis. So if you suspect that your cat is suffering from arthritis, and that CBD oil would help, it’s worth trying.
The biggest problem with CBD oil for cats is that it causes dry mouth. Because it contains THC, it will also give your cat a buzz. But that’s only temporary, and it’s nothing compared to the long term negative consequences of overdosing on CBD oil.
If you’re going to give your cat CBD oil for any reason, then you should make sure that they always have access to fresh, clean drinking water.
And remember to always keep track of how well your cat is doing after you start administering CBD oil. If they suddenly seem lethargic, then it’s time to call your vet immediately.