Your Website without visitors is not going to do any good to you or anyone else. You need to tell people where you are on the web. You need to build up an audience for your site.
The first step of your website promotion has to be Free search engine and directory submission. Here are some important tips to remember when submitting.
Search Engines
Head to all the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. and submit your site in their index for free. This is the easiest thing to do and cost you nothing. It will take couple of weeks to months to get indexed.
Be patient, do not spam the search engines with unwanted or irrelevant keywords that does not fit your site’s theme. If you do, there is a good chance of not getting accepted or worst get banned. Once you get denied, it’s harder to get accepted again.
Free and Paid Directories
While you are waiting to get indexed by search engines, find some good free directories and keep submitting to them. Web directories have different ways of accepting links.
Free Submission : Submit with no cost to you. They are two types of free listings. Number one, They won’t request a link back from you. Example Number two, Some ask your to link back to them before they include your site. This is also known as a Reciprocal or a two way link.
Submit with no cost to you. They are two types of free listings. Number one, They won’t request a link back from you. Example Number two, Some ask your to link back to them before they include your site. This is also known as a Reciprocal or a two way link. Paid Listings : Here you pay them to get listed in their index. In most cases this is a manual hand submission by their editors. They will review your site and determine if the link is acceptable. The payment can be a one time fee or in some cases like Yahoo’s an yearly $300 recurring for certain listings.
Here you pay them to get listed in their index. In most cases this is a manual hand submission by their editors. They will review your site and determine if the link is acceptable. The payment can be a one time fee or in some cases like Yahoo’s an yearly $300 recurring for certain listings. Featured Links : You pay a certain amount to highlight your site on their listings. For example they will display it on top of all the other links at a given category or feature it on the home page.
For Reciprocal links, create a separate links page and list all of them in there. That way you do not have to add them to your main page to clutter the current layout. Avoid filling pages with all links which eventually leads to a poor visitor experience.
If you haven’t submit your link to Open Directory Project aka, go ahead and do that now. DMOZ powers Google, AOL, Yahoo Search, excluding Yahoo Directory. Yahoo Directory only accept paid listings
Reciprocal Links And Google, The Where And When
Like I explained earlier Reciprocal means I link to you and you link to me. So it is a two way link. You need to know when to do this kind of a link scheme, here’s why. Google gives a lot of weight if you have one way incoming links to your site from others.
The reason being Google thinks if people are linking to you, that means your site must be an interesting or contain important information the readers are looking for. All this leads to a higher Page Rank (PR) for your listing on Google.
Now, if you do a two way link, the value of that link is already been weaken. Google knows these types of links. The Big G knows people do Reciprocal links all the time. This is added to their Page Rank algorithm for some time now.
So remember one way incoming links always out weight the two way types. When you do the submissions, know where to use them and when to avoid Reciprocal type.
On my next post I will list some important directories and search engines to submit your website to. So keep checking, or subscribe to the RSS Feed if you want to keep up with the daily updates.