Presenting at a business meeting or conference is always intimidating. But using powerpoint for free, to support your presentation can help add structure and credibility to your ideas. PowerPoint is an effective tool that allows presenters to create professional-looking presentations with minimal effort. With the right tips and tricks, you can use it to make sure your message is heard loud and clear.

Let’s take a look at the best ways to use PowerPoint in a business presentation.

1. Be concise and clear

The most important thing when creating a PowerPoint presentation is to ensure that the content of your slides is clear and concise. Use simple bullet points instead of long blocks of text and focus on highlighting the main points of each slide. This will make it easier for your audience to follow and understand your presentation. Also, keep the number of slides to a minimum – no more than ten slides should be used to avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information at once.

2. Include visuals

Adding visuals such as charts, graphs, images or videos can go a long way to increasing engagement during your presentation by helping to explain complex concepts quickly and easily. For example, if you want to demonstrate customer growth over time, adding a line graph or chart would be an effective visual aid that illustrates this data without having to include large amounts of text or numbers on the slide itself. However, try not to get carried away with the use of visuals – only include those that are necessary and relevant to make specific points during the presentation itself.

3. Use colour and fonts wisely

The colours and fonts used in a PowerPoint presentation should always be consistent across all slides; this helps to maintain consistency between different elements within each slide as well as across multiple slides within the same deck. When choosing colours for text or background elements such as charts or graphs, make sure they are easy on the eyes so that viewers aren’t overwhelmed by bright colours, which can quickly cause them to lose interest during your presentation. When choosing fonts for titles and subtitles, choose one font type for all slides – this will create consistency and also help viewers easily distinguish between different sections within each slide (e.g. title vs. subtitle).

4. Keep animations simple

Animations are often used in PowerPoint presentations as they help to draw attention to certain parts of each slide when transitioning from one point to another during a presentation; however, animations should never be overdone as this can distract from other important content on each slide itself (e.g., main points/data). Stick to subtle transitions such as fade-ins and fade-outs, rather than overly flashy animations such as spinning arrows etc., which can distract from any key points being made during the presentation itself, or cause confusion for viewers trying to understand what is being shown on the screen at any given time (especially if there are multiple layers of animation being applied simultaneously).

5. Make it interactive

Using interactive features such as polls within PowerPoint helps to keep viewers engaged during longer presentations by allowing them to provide feedback directly through their own devices (e.g. smartphones/tablets), rather than forcing them to passively listen without any interaction during lengthy multi-speaker presentations (which could lead to many people quickly becoming bored). Incorporating interactive features also provides an opportunity for the presenters themselves to get real-time feedback from their audience, which can prove useful in adjusting the course mid-presentation if necessary, based on insights gathered from the participants themselves (e.g. changing topics if the majority opinion seems to be against the current topic being discussed, etc.).

6. Practice makes perfect

Before actually delivering a formal presentation via PowerPoint, it’s important that anyone planning to attend practices beforehand until they’re comfortable enough speaking about the topics covered within the slides, while keeping track of the timings associated with each element included therein; this helps ensure that everyone remains focused throughout the duration, as the presenter knows exactly what needs to be said about a particular area before moving on to the next set piece, without losing momentum in the middle of the talk itself due to unpreparedness prior to its commencement, which could result in many people tuning out halfway through the session, thus reducing the overall impact that was initially hoped to be achieved, i(e.. spreading awareness, launching a new product, etc.).

7. Have a backup plan in case something goes wrong.

Last but certainly not least importantly, have a backup plan in place just in case something goes wrong technology-wise while giving talk, equipment suddenly fails misconnections mid-flow projectors fail to display anything back-up device laptop ready near hand serve purposes prevent complete stop proceedings due to technical hitch allow continue uninterrupted albeit slightly delayed manner without everyone panicking potential loss of everything already said up to point issue arose thus maintaining sense continuity ongoing discussio.