The level and duration of long-term nursing care at home are dependent on individual requirements of a person, and it changes over time. An individual turning 65 years has almost 70 percent chance of requiring some sort of long-term care and support for the rest of his life. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that women on an average need longer care for 3.7 years while men need care for 2.2 years. Though the statistics estimate that one-third of the total population aged above 65 would not require long-term care but the rest 20 percent population would need it for more than 5 years.

Providing comfort to the patients’ families

The nursing care at home is aimed at providing support to the families of palliative care patients as well as the patients with long term illness at home. They are also committed to considering the needs of the patients with terminal illness and the caregiver. Death of patients with such a chronic illness is preferred at home and therefore, it is promoted by various healthcare agencies. With enhanced supportive strategies, the challenges faced by the families of the palliative care patients can be alleviated to a great extent.

Understanding the symptoms of the ailment

Pallative care aged care considerably boosts the quality of life of the patients afflicted with a life-threatening disease. It can relieve the suffering of the person as the professionals involved in providing this care can identify and assess the symptoms as well as treat pain and other physical and mental ailments. Palliative care is a practical option for patients with potentially curable or non-curable ailments, chronic or other life-threatening problems, and it can be applied in conjunction with curative therapies at any phase of the illness. But despite the benefits proffered by these care services, it remains one of the most under-utilized treatment options.

Alleviating the pain associated with the ailment

When a patient who has been diagnosed with cancer receives counseling and therapeutic massage from the nursing care at home, it definitely aids in relieving the discomfort to a considerable extent. Many elderly patients receive these advantages of palliative care besides the regular curative care that includes chemotherapy, radiation or even surgery. It is extremely helpful in addressing the psychological and physical distress of patients affected with chronic diseases like cancer, ALS, Parkinson’s Disease, AIDS, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, COPD, Alzheimer’s, etc.

Caring for people at the last stage of life

The end of life care is suitable for patients who possibly have a few days or months to live through. It is meant for helping a person live as good as possible until he or she dies and the professionals involved in the process try to know about the needs and desires of the concerned patients and take these points into account while planning for the care schedule. They also help the family and loved ones of the patient, so that they can stand by the patient to alleviate all kinds of distress. More info at Arcare Aged Care.

Pallative care nursing is a holistic approach that is developed for addressing various issues concerning the well-being of the patients so that they can live in the best of their health.